Shouldn't have to spend excessive amounts of time and money to gain sufficient knowledge to serve clients and customers as a Certified Skincare Coach.
Should not be forced to complete any numbers of free coaching sessions for Skincare Coach Certification or knowledge attainment in this area.
Need knowledge in areas where they have no desire for knowledge and where their passion does not ignite.
Most people that want to sell or recommend skin care products, typically don't need as much training as a hair stylist, esthetician, doctor, or professional beauty provider. This is particularly true when you are passionate about skin care, love skin care products. If people trust your skincare or coaching advice, and you want to get more knowledge in order to start a professional Skincare Coaching business or a profitable ‘side hustle’ selling skin care products, you really don't have to spend the time and money it takes to go to a professional beauty school. You don’t need a professional license to sell the majority of skincare products.
In fact, the most quoted reason regarding why Skincare Coach Certification evolved is because of the beauty school business. Most of these institutions insist on a tremendous commitment of time and hard-earned cash. This can run upwards of $25,000 and thousands of hours of non-paid work. Beauty training schools’ programs often reduce the importance skincare knowledge, putting it well behind their main reason of being in business - which is to adjudicate the professional licensing requirements for haircare and nailcare technicians. The ICA seeks to rectify this by providing Skincare Coach Certification as a stand-alone certification.
Additionally, by partnering with a corporate sponsor EllieGlow, the ICA can offer Skincare Coach Certification at a fabulously affordable tuition fee which allows this level of credentialing to benefit anyone entering the Skincare Coaching industry. EllieGlow has leant their expertise and sponsored all the materials. Their veterans and experts in the Training and Development of Skincare Industry Professionals helped provide the courseware and knowledge for the Skincare Coach Certification eLearning and testing materials. The Skincare Coach Certification program would cost upwards of $3,500 had they not done this.